CED&L launches it’s flagship academic journal. Mr. K J Jacob, senior editor, Deccan Chronicle and he received the first copy from Prof. N.K Jayakumar, former Vice Chancellor, National University of Advanced Legal Studies on March 9th 2015.
Centre for Economy, Development and Law (CED&L) is an inter-disciplinary centre established under Government Law College, Thrissur, Kerala. The proposed centre envisages to be a platform for academic discussion and as a creative think-tank for studying, analysing and interpreting various socio-economic and legal issues. This forum intends to generate perceptual framework to explore and understand social issues and events, thereby enabling the people and institutions to create best possible models in policy making and legal practices.
CED&L launches it’s flagship academic journal. Mr. K J Jacob, senior editor, Deccan Chronicle and he received the first copy from Prof. N.K Jayakumar, former Vice Chancellor, National University of Advanced Legal Studies on March 9th 2015.
Students, academicians, jurists, journalists, politicians and anyone who wishes to offer his/her creative and intellectual input are invited to be part of the forum. The Principal of the college will be the patron and a teaching staff will be the Executive Director of the Centre. Students of Government Law College, Thrissur and other interested persons in limited number who are continuously associated with the Centre’s activities may be given membership subjected to the discretion of the patron and Executive Director. The briefs published by the Centre reflect the approach/policy of the Centre as a whole.Law has long been recognized as a reflection of the prevailing forces in a given society, and a potential instrument of change and progressive development.
CED&L is quite interested in taking up the responsiblity and immense task of brain power resourcing for various public policy research projects
The Centre Envisions Itself To Evolve As An Independent Center Parallel To Regular Academic Activities And To Engage In Conducting Short Term Courses .
The centre is also expecting, based on outputs of AISC 1st edition, to build specific action plans with clear points of action and reaction.
How did the ‘Nation-State’ survive the social evolution till date? Why did not a ‘religious-state’, ‘ethnic-state’ or ‘laissez-faire market-state’ or any other form of State? How intentional and deliberate was the process of installation of the concept of Nation-State? Social philosophers and political theorists have taken turns on this question and presented innumerable logic of political battles, suppressions, oppressions, race for resources and have come up with great theories of war and peace with identifiable heroes and villains.